Below is information on our wonderful ministries with the contact information for interested persons.
Bible Study
Bible Study:
Bible study programs run periodically at both parishes with sign up and program information in the weekly bulletin.
Contact for HG: Bill Sheehan 781-248-9163
Contact for SB: Martha Craft 781-878-1116
Servers, Ministers, Ushers, Lectors, etc.
A team of parishioners who prepare the altar area, including seasonal decorations and special occasions
Contact: Parish office 781-878-0900 ext. 241
Funeral Servers:
Adult Altar Servers who celebrate funerals.
Contact: Parish Office 781-878-0900 ext. 241
Adult Altar Servers:
For adults who are available for weekday Masses
and Funerals.
Contact: Parish Office 781-878-0900 ext. 241
Altar Servers:
For individuals aged 3-college
Contact: Parish Office 781-878-0900 ext. 241
HG Eucharistic Ministers:
Adults and invited older students who distribute Holy Communion during liturgy and to the sick
Contact: Elaine Melisi 781-447-2169
SB Eucharistic Ministers:
Adults and invited older students who distribute Holy Communion during liturgy and to the sick
Contact: Parish Office 781-878-0900 ext. 241
Ushers & Greeters:
Greet parishioners before, during, and after Mass and help with weekly collections
Contact: Parish Office 781-878-0900 ext. 241
Youth through adults who proclaim the word of God during liturgical celebrations. Training provided.
Contact: Parish Office 781-878-0900 ext. 241
Weekly Parish bulletin:
Prepared weekly for distribution at all Masses. Parish groups and ministries are invited to submit items for publication. Deadline is Monday at 12noon to be included in this week's print.
HG Adult Choir:
"The Singing Servants of Holy Ghost"
Sing at 10:30am Sunday Mass & special Masses Open to all adults who enjoy singing
Contact: Parish Office 781-878-0900 ext. 241
SB Adult Choir:
Sings at the 4pm Mass on the third Saturday of each month & special Masses. Open to all adults who enjoy singing.
Meets: 3pm, third Saturday of each month
Contact: Carrie Bates 781-878-5410
Collaborative​​ Youth Choir:
Sings twice per month and will rehearse for an hour before mass.
Contact: Jessie Bishop 781-974-5043
Groups, Organizations & Committees
Blessed Virgin Mary Sodality:
An organization of women devoted to the Blessed Mother, in service to the church and promotion of stewardship.
Meets: First Monday of the month, 7pm.
Contact: Parish Office 781-878-0900 ext. 214 or email
Cunniff Pine St. Inn Food Group:
Food group who prepares and delivers food to men at the Pine St. Inn on the third Saturday of the month.
Meets: 3rd Saturday of each month, HG Spellman Center Kitchen, 10:30am Sept-June
Contact: Carol Kryzanek 781-447-3761
First Friday Coffee Hour:
Coffee and conversation
Meets: after 9am Mass
Contact: Terry McDonough 781-447-4671
Sunday Coffee Hour:
Coffee and conversation
Meets: SB hall after 9am Mass, 2nd & 4th Sundays
Contact: Rick Fraser 781-363-0244
Boy Scouts:
Local Troop is 22 for Boy and Sub Scouts
Meets: Thursdays 7-9 Spellman Center
Contact: Gina McMollem & Mike Warner
Chaplet of Divine Mercy:
Recited by parish participants
Meets: Tuesdays at 7pm in HG lower Chapel
Contact: Deacon Joe Nickley 781-447-4421
Dynamic Catholic Outreach:
Inspires us to be innovative leaders, helping Catholics and their parishes become the best versions of themselves.
Contact: Joseph Iannone 781-447-4558
Family Healing from Addiction:
Join us for one hour and experience the healing power of prayer and foregiveness in the presence of the Holy Sacrament.
Meets: 1st Saturday of the month, HG lower Church.
Contact: Kevin McWilliams 603-682-7933
Five First Saturday Devotions:
Follow Jesus' request to honor his mother, the Immaculate Heart of Mary.
Meets: Saturdays 9am, HG lower Church
Contact: Mary Rinkulis 781-524-1472
Perpetual Adoration:
24/7 in HG lower Church
Intercessory Prayer Group:
Any interested person wishing to pray for those who have requested prayers, please join.
Meets: Mondays 3pm, HG lower Church
Contact: Judy Morse 781-878-7758; Clare Callahan 508-994-7759
Pro-Life Committee
Coordinates all pro-life activities in parish
Contact: Sheila McKenna 781-447-5657
Quilting Ministry
Sews comfort quilts for those in need in our communities
Meets: 3rd Friday of each month at SB Friary
Contact: Rose Perry 781-871-7125
Rosary for Priests
The rosary for preists and vocation to priesthood
Meets: Saturdays 8:30-9am, HG lower Church
Contact: Martha Ea 781-447-6713
Scholarship Committee
Chooses applicants for Light of Christ Catholic Collaborative Scholarships
Contact: Dennis Leonard 781-878-0900 ext. 240
The World Apostolate of Fatima
The Archdiocese of Boston Mission is to promote the message of Fatima to obtain world peace through Our Lady's requests
Contact: Lynn Kenn 508-378-7431
Knights of Columbus
Knights of Columbus:
Whitman Cardinal Spellman #347
Contact: Larry Roache 781-447-9061
Hall rental 781-447-0095
Knights of Columbus:
Abington #5254
Contact: Michael Fiorentino 781-878-9863
HG St. Vincent de Paul & Food Pantry:
For Whitman parishioners in need of assistance
Contact: Bruce Perry 781-447-8560
SB St. Vincent de Paul & Food Pantry:
For Abington parishioners in need of assistance
Contact: Brian Sullivan 781-878-1194
Parish Lending Library:
Offers lending of spiritual materials like books, CDs, and DVDs with a simple sign-out borrowing system.
Contact: Martha Ea 781-447-6713
Adult Sacrament Preparation Program
The Adult Sacrament Preparation Program prepares adults to enter the Catholic church. It also prepares Catholic adults who have not received all sacraments.
Contact: Fr Adrian, 781-878-0900 ext. 247